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Etched & Sandblasted Personalised Mugs

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Etched Promotional Mugs

Most branded mugs are printed using processes which involve applying ink to the outer or inside of the mug or using a water-based transfer. Etched mugs are a novel way to add a tactile element to brands and create corporate mugs which are completely unique.

How are etched mugs made?

Etched mugs are created using a process called Sandblasting. Designs are applied to a stencil, which is then securely wrapped around the mug. These mugs are placed inside a secure glass cabinet and sand or grit is blasted through a hose over the design, which removes the top ceramic layer from the mug.

Colour match and etching

For the ultimate customised mug, we also offer pantone or colour matches products, along with sandblasting this design. As the white ceramic shows through under the mug colour, this is a particularly attractive and tactile method of branding mugs. It’s expensive, however these mugs are kept and treasured rather than being thrown out or relegated to pen pots.

Etched mugs, as with bone china are perfectly safe in the dishwasher, however colour matched and etched mugs should be handwashed to ensure the longevity of the coloured outer or inner.

Why are etched mugs more expensive than printing?

Etched mugs require a stencil and mask to be applied to each mug individually, which increases the time spent in manufacturing, and therefore the cost of the mugs overall. All our etched mug customers have commended the level of quality and intricacy in their designs. This is why custom water bottles are an inexpensive way to promote to your customers, while etched mugs have a premium feel for your employees.

Considerations for etched mugs

As etched mugs are made by hand, pricing is for one side of etching in a square area only. Extra sides or areas can be added on request. Designs should always be provided in vector format (.eps or .ai files) and we recommend that text is no smaller than 8pt, as it may fill in if smaller than this.