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Colour Match Printed Mugs

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  • 1-4 Colour
  • 200ml
  • 340ml
  • 280ml
  • 185ml
  • 1-4 Colour
  • 200ml
  • 340ml
  • 280ml
  • 185ml
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Pantone and Colour Matched Mugs

Pantone or colour matched mugs bring together the unique visual design of your brand together with a useful everyday product. Employees, customers and associates enjoying a mug of tea or coffee from a colour match mug view it as a special experience, especially when they are coating in brand colours, as most branded ceramic mugs and bone china mugs are sold in their standard white form.

Why is colour important in branding?

Brands need to be distinctive to win the hearts and minds of customers. Colour is an important element of brand structure as first impressions are created within a few seconds of looking at a logo, and this includes emotions associated with the respective colours. Dominating a niche with strong branding can associate an entire colour with your company. Take this for example: which social network is blue, and which is yellow? Facebook and Snapchat are no strangers to the power of using colour in design.

With a clear visual identity in place, companies can start to bring marketing products like branded water bottles into play which utilise their strong colour associations with the brand.  

What is a Pantone?

Pantone is a trademark of Pantone LLC. It is a system for matching colours with printing inks, which can be used to ensure that colours remain consistent across different batches. On screen or monitor based colours can often change depending on the type of equipment used, and therefore Pantone colours are a necessary component of physical printing practices. Pantone colours are matched using a Pantone Colour chart or book, which can be held against the item in natural lighting to confirm a successful colour match between the colour reference and the physical product. This tool allows your figure out the closest pantone match to your .jpg or raster file. 

The Pantone Matching System or PMS is a standard for many printing inks worldwide.

Why match mugs to pantone colours?

Brands with unique colours or a strong visual identity are the perfect partner for colour matched mugs. They are particularly striking used as props at tradeshows, or when given away as part of a branded promotion. Many of our customers also use the mugs for their offices.

While our standard range of mugs is usually available in an off-white ceramic colour, using your brand colours creates a unique fun and memorable feature for your desk. Standard colours are also available in our Durham and Cambridge mugs

How are pantone colour match mugs made?

Colour match mugs are created by first creating a batch of ink which matches to the pantone that you require. Afterwards the mugs are loaded onto a revolving production line, with each mug inside a rotating element. Robotic painting machines then spray the mug in your required pantone colour evenly, and the mugs are fired to ensure that the colour holds fast to the ceramic base.

Afterwards, these mugs can be screen printed in one colour, or etched by hand to increase the uniqueness of the design.

Limitations of pantone match mugs

Our colour match mugs are not dishwasher safe, and therefore we recommend all customers to hand wash these mugs to ensure they have a long product life. Pantone matched products also have a minimum three week lead time, so please order in advance if you’d like to create the mug of your dreams!

Mugstore’s colour match mugs

With a minimum quantity of only 144 mugs, we can create a short run for your business or organisation, and you can take advantage of heavy bulk discounting on 288 units for giveaway promotions or events.

We’re printing experts

With more than 20 years’ experience, we’re a reliable and trustworthy partner for your printing requirements. Give us a call, chat to us via our new website or send an email to info@mugstore.co.uk and let us create your perfect pantone and colour matched mug today!